Lord of the Rings sequel trilogy confirmed (April Fool’s Day Article)

Lord of the Rings is finally getting a long-awaited sequel, which will answer all fan favorite questions like: “What is life in Middle-Earth after Mordor fell?” or “Will Aragorn be able to counter a financial crisis, that is ruining Gondor?”. So far, no roles have been cast, but we can expect that some actors will reprise their roles from the original and the Hobbit trilogy. As far as we know all three best fantasy directors have been signed to direct these three movies.

The first movie will be, of course, called Lord of the Rings: New Shadow and directed by famous German director Uwe Boll (In the Name of the King trilogy), when asked about the movie, he answered: “I approached the movie similarly as I approach my video game adaptations. I think that my Lord of the Rings will be as good as my fantasy movie In the Name of the King and my first Bloodrayne.”

Second movie will be directed by M. Night Shyamalan (The Last Airbender) and it has been named Lord of the Rings: Last Ringbearer. M. Night answered some questions about the movie: “Well, I can clearly work with a massive film budget and large productions, have you seen MY movie The Last Airbender? I already started working on the script and you can expect a cameo from ME.”

The final movie is directed by Mel Gibson (Braveheart) and the movie is called Lord of the Rings: Battle of Battles. Mel Gibson said: “My movie is following the movies of those two hacks, it is the final chapter in Lord of the Rings, I can promise a massive battle that will be greater than the Braveheart, Battle of Bastards and Minas Tirith battles combined. It is called Battle of Battles, right?“. Mr. Gibson also revealed what he thought of M. Night and Uwe Boll: “M. Night cannot write a good dialogue, even if his life would depend on it. And Uwe Boll has been adapting video games. Video games??

The confirmation of these directors is more than surprising – so many talents at once! Coming news about this trilogy are going to be exciting. So, let’s end this with a famous Lord of the Rings quote: “May The Force be with you!”


PS: For all the people who thought this article is true, I´m sorry. Happy April Fool’s day prank!

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